So I'm on facebook and see this post. And I realize, 2012 is either going to suck or it will be vindicating. If the GOP power grab for theocracy and plutocracy, these United States will be done. Only 230 some years....poof! in 30 short ones.
Then I see this quote
and it is really creepy to think that and then see that quote. Freaky I say.
Then there's Tom Brokaw. I know I'm in the minority but I have always been annoyed with him. And that voice? fuck, I cannot take that. I just realized that he was the first David Gregory, except better looking. (which really isn't a compliment) So it's always nice for me when someone smacks him down. It's a rare and beautiful sight. So please, enjoy these two wonderful posts. Here and here.
I need to add Charles Pierce to the side over there. Also too, if you're liberal, and let's face it, if you're here, you are. You should also check out
I need to add them too.
Let's see what else have I been reading? I love Chez's Tebow take.
And the CBS article is pretty good too, though I don't agree with the way when everyone talks about him they have to say, "now he's a good kid and I like him" or some variation. Just because some idiot religious fanatic equates what you think of Tebow with what you think of their Jesus. Fuck that. I don't like any of them, Tebow or his fans.
To read the post this quote comes from, click here.
In a recent interview, a top Ohio Republican defended this in a curiously belligerent way, one that may reverberate in the race’s final days: He claimed lawmakers don’t need to take a pay cut in the spirit of shared sacrifice, because “I earn my pay,” adding: “Republicans earn their money.”And if you're not reading Steve Benen daily, you are missing one of the best.
I found out that Stephen and Tabitha King never let me down.
I also learned, again, that international media is usually better than American corporate media. here we have The Guardian talking about ALEC. Have you heard about ALEC? Another one of those shadowy, right-wing organizations destroying our democracy. Only Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell have even mentioned them. Keith Olbermann might have, but since he went on his firebagger rant, I don't watch him anymore. That's not to say that when the Murdoch empire is burned to the ground by the arrogance and incompetence that is Murdoch, I will watch him again. No one enjoys taking down Murdoch than Keith. And me. :)
Also, if you don't read al-Jazeera English, you should. Nothing but actual journalism about world events. It's refreshing actually. For instance, did you know Pakistan arrested people for assassinating Bhutto? You didn't? Huh....that corporate media. Read it here.
If the state of the current crop of nutjobs who want to be president are bumming you out, you could do what Rachel Maddow and Eugene Robinson are doing, enjoying the performance art that is Herman Cain. Me? I've been freaking about it until I watched Rachel and Gene, then I saw this and it made it better.
So that's what's going on around here. I will leave you this week with one of my favorite things. I love the Hubble Telescope. It's some of the best money we've ever spent. Check out what's it's showing us.
So what's going on around you? Did you move your money yesterday? I didn't, I'm waiting until the beginning of the year. Lots of changes, hopefully, coming financially for me and I want to start the year off clean. Have you been to an Occupy event? I'd love to hear about your stories.
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