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Sunday, June 12, 2011

a leave of absence?

whoa...I didn't realize it has been almost 2 months since my last post. where does the time go?
when I started this I knew there would be times when I didn't post but I didn't think it would be this long. I don't know what to say....apparently, if the stats are correct, there are actually people coming to my little house of useless knowledge. thank you for that, though I am a little unsure as to why. must be my wittiness. :)  yeah, I didn't think so either.
there have been a lot of things going on around this little corner of the world. In April I was diagnosed with my first case of skin cancer. the 'good' kind, if there is such a thing. it was just below my eyebrow. that freaked me out. I don't know why though. if you knew me personally you wouldn't be surprised. I'm not really white, I'm sorta purplish/pink with a lot of freckles thrown in. I have only been tan once in my life and I got that very lovely tan at the expense of not being able to move for 3 solid days while wearing only my bathing suit. I had my 2nd sun poisoning that time. oh the good ole days when you're a young lady in the 80's and the 'in' thing is being tan, if you were a white girl like me. oh how stupid we are as kids. anyway, that's why it shouldn't have been a surprise that I had some version of skin cancer. I always burn, I am a red head, my father has had skin cancer so many times I can't count them and I am fair skinned. these my friends, are 4 out of the 5 items that answer the question, how high is your risk of skin cancer?

so that's where I have been. I had it removed a couple of weeks ago and did NOT get a very cool scar like I asked the doctor for, but it is all gone, so there's that.

another reason I haven't been here is that there is also something wrong with my thyroid....what you ask? I don't know. I haven't had the courage to make an appointment with my doctor to find out. I have been feeling a bit depressed about how this shitty life has been going, I just don't have the courage, nor the money, to find out why. it could be something as easy as adjusting my meds or not....I just can't handle it.

and then there is the world we live in. half-wit, half-term former governors making traitors out of our revolutionary heroes and a 13 year old Congressmen from New York thinking he can send crotch shots to women he isn't married to and current Supreme Court Justices not understanding the law and violating,  what should be clear to everyone, ethics of some sort.

I watch Rachel Maddow and then clean the house a bit until Stewart and Colbert come on, go to sleep, wake up, go to a job I really could care less about and back home to do it all over again....that's what's been going on in Vera Lynn's world. maybe the summer will bring better things.

one bright spot? my birthday is at the end of the month and I have 2 wonderful friends coming to see me. I need that.

so what have you guys been doing?


  1. Welcome back, Vera Lynn! It's kinda spooky: I, too, just got my first skin cancer, except mine was the "bad" kind, and I now have a wicked huge scar on my shoulder. I'll make up a fake story for it eventually - swordfight, I'm thinking.

    I'm damn pink, but blonde. My sister and father have red hair, and I, too, as a child of the 80's, got wicked, wicked sunburned, all the time - I remember playing "peel the skin" game. Fun! So I wasn't surprised, and I won't be surprised if I get another. I caught it early so they tell me I'm fine, for now...

    But a thyroid condition can be very, very serious. You should get that checked out, stat. Money be damned - what does money matter compared to your life?

    You're going to torture yourself paying attention to the Repukes? As your Internet Consultant, I'd recommend against it.

  2. as always you make me smile and feel better :)
    and oh, the good ole days and peeling the skin...I really did enjoy freaking my sisters out with that....good times
    sorry about you and I having it at the same time. I'm glad they got all yours. And I can't wait to hear about the sword fight!
    and I know, call the doctor. I have hopefully, my last appointment with the dermatologist and then I can focus on the's because it's serious explains my hesitancy. Alas, it needs to be done and I am trying to act more like an adult than I have the last 10 there's that.
