I don’t think conservatives and their anti-choice activist allies should be given a pass and permitted to “sidestep” this debate. Let’s talk about why they tried to get this through, and their position on rape, minors and the health and welfare of women and girls, or, “pregnant females”. It must have been pretty damn important to rank right behind repealing health care reform.For the last year we have heard nothing from repubs except "where are the jobs?" So what is first on their agenda? Repeal the ACA. Change the definition of rape. The largest, fastest growing industry in this country, aside from low paying service jobs, is the health care industry. another damn fine reason for regulation. and they want to kill it. how does this help the economy? it doesn't. it's red meat for the base. the base, the nutjobs and teabaggers, love nothing more than the government to invade our bedrooms and our vaginas. clean air? non-poisoned food? nope. not in their vision. fuckers.
What was this all about, and why the lying and dissembling and backtracking when it came to light?
the quote is found here.
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