I don't think I have mentioned it, but I love Doctor Who. Specifically, I love David Tennant as Doctor Who. Matt Smith just hasn't worked for me. Oh I still watch, it's a great show, but David Tennant is my favorite.
He also happens to be the best fan of The Proclaimers. They are all Scottish. You probably have heard the song, but you haven't seen this.
How freaking awesome is that? :) If you enjoyed this, you have to google David Tennant on The Graham Norton Show. All of his chats are great, both Graham and David, but the episode where Graham invited the Proclaimers and Tennant on the same show is a good one. And I'm too lazy to google it for you.
112th Congress
Abby. puppies
Adam Serwer
Angry Black Lady
Barack Obama
Bill Murray
Broadway Carl
Buffalo Springfield
can I get an amen?
Carol Kane
Civil Rights
civil war
climate change
Cousin Avi
David Gilmour
David Tennant
Dennis G
Desert Crone
Doctor Who
Edward R Murrow
firebaggers and teabaggers
fleeting thoughts
founding fathers
Frank Schaeffer
general state of suckage
Gin and Tacos
Goddamn Awesome
Green Day
Greg Sargent
Haley Barbour
health care
Herman Cain
I can't believe I posted something that needs a tag line of Al-Qaeda
insane party
insane party. Al Franken
Jeff Sessions
Jimmy Fallon
John Cole
John McCain
Jon Stewart
just bitching
karma is a bitch
Lawrence O'Donnell
life's a bitch
long game
Mark Halperin and all the other hacks
Martin Luther King
Matt Taibbi
must reads
New York Times
NY Times
our better angels
pale blue dot
Paul Krugman
Pearl Jam
Pink Floyd
President Obama
Rachel Maddow
Rally to Restore Sanity
sad state of affairs
Saint Ronnie
same sex marriage
Sarah Palin
shame on us
Smothers Brothers
Speaker of the House
star trek
Star Wars
state of affairs
State of the Union
Stephen Colbert
Steve Benen
Super Bowl
Talk Radio
The Atlantic
The Capitol
The Daily Show
The Hairpin
The Left
The Rude Pundit
the universe
The US House of Representatives
US House
useful knowledge
useless knowledge
Veruca Salt Syndrome
what I love about America
What's Happening
Monday, October 31, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
No, No, No. Hell NO!
I watched this last night and couldn't agree more. Please share this everywhere.
Rachel Maddow rocks.
Rachel Maddow rocks.
Watch it here.I realize this is not the most important thing in the world that guys like Paul Wolfowitz still writes articles about U.S. wars, but please, Jesus, can there be some accountability in American politics? Can there be a penalty for being wrong about the biggest things in the world to be wrong about? If you were an architect of the Iraq war, you don't ever get an opportunity to talk about what is a good idea when it comes to war ever again. Deal? Deal.
Dick Cheney, I don't want to hear from your anymore about wars. George W. Bush -- no. Donald Rumsfeld, not interested.
Condoleezza Rice, I'm sorry. I'm sure your new book is awesome. I would still like to interview you about it. But when it comes to being part of our collective conversation about war in this country, you had your chance -- blew it. No. Wrong. You are not going to be consulted on the next big idea since you got the last one so wrong.
Take up another hobby. Try to convince us to listen to your big ideas on some other subject. Take up macrame. Confess before the cleric of your choosing. Buy stock in little black combs and lick them and make a fortune.
But war advice, no. Seriously, "Foreign Policy" magazine, you went looking for a plan for Afghanistan and for that plan, you went looking to Paul Wolfowitz?
The answer is no, no, no. Ten years of hell, no. Not again.
WTF? and Firebaggers and Teabaggers
I just posted and refreshed and looked at the labels. It really is no accident that the tags 'wtf?' and 'firebaggers and teabaggers' both have the same amount of posts.
Again, sad and not surprising.
Again, sad and not surprising.
There's something happening here, what it is ain't exactly clear.....
Since my last post, Occupy gatherings have garnered national and international media attention. For some silly reason, the corporate media can't seem to read the signs people are holding and can't figure out what we, the 99%, want.
Dahlia Lithwick wrote a good article on this very phenomenon. You can read it here.
Another bit of the glorious bagger legislating in my own little home state, there's this....the one bill where Governor Bev Purdue's veto didn't matter. The federal judiciary put a hold on the worst part of this entirely anti-woman legislation in their quest to live in my uterus. Shameful. It just amazes me that there are people out there who don't see the false claims during the health care debate about government getting in between you and your doctor, yet they want to make it legal to get between my doctor and my uterus. I swear, maybe there is something in the water, other than fluoridation. You can read about the NC legislation that gets all in my uterus without my consent here. And now that I feel oh so dirty, let's move on to more educational posts, shall we?
One of my Facebook friends writes for Mother Jones and The Washington Monthly. You can read his historical view of what the Founding Fathers would think about the Occupy movement here. And what is that you say? There is an inaccuracy? What?! Look in the comments and you will see what an actual journalist does when he realizes their is an inaccuracy. That's what you never see in corporate media.
My friend Chez had this quote from Jon Stewart about Pat Robertson calling out the field of GOP Presidential candidate. Seriously. Pat Robertson calling others too crazy....it really is a moment of surreal reality.
James Fallows thinks Herman Cain's new ad is the Best Ad Yet. Again, surreal reality.
How have we gotten to 2011? It really is amazing, scary, funny and lots of other adjectives I won't write. If you are the 1%, you aren't reading this so that makes you the 99%. Call your congresspeople, call your governors, call your friends and family....if you can, go to an Occupy event. You can find one where you are here.
So that's what I've been up to this week. The title of this post is an oldie but a goldie and seemingly more relevant than when it was released. How quaint the late 60's and early 70's seem today. So enjoy the video.....
Dahlia Lithwick wrote a good article on this very phenomenon. You can read it here.
Think, for just a moment, about the irony. We are the most media-saturated 24-hour-cable-soaked culture in the world, and yet around the country, on Facebook and at protests, people are holding up cardboard signs, the way protesters in ancient Sumeria might have done when demonstrating against a rise in the price of figs. And why is that? Because they very wisely don’t trust television cameras and microphones to get it right anymore. Because a media constructed around the illusion of false equivalencies, screaming pundits, and manufactured crises fails to capture who we are and what we value.Matt Taibbi has a detailed, long but worth it article on the 'Texas Miracle' the corporate media thought (before he opened his mouth) would be the GOP 'saviour'. (And doesn't that beat everything? the baggers (fire and tea) like to think those who support our current President think of him as a 'saviour'....amazing projection skills.) Go read The Best Little Whore In Texas here.
Another bit of the glorious bagger legislating in my own little home state, there's this....the one bill where Governor Bev Purdue's veto didn't matter. The federal judiciary put a hold on the worst part of this entirely anti-woman legislation in their quest to live in my uterus. Shameful. It just amazes me that there are people out there who don't see the false claims during the health care debate about government getting in between you and your doctor, yet they want to make it legal to get between my doctor and my uterus. I swear, maybe there is something in the water, other than fluoridation. You can read about the NC legislation that gets all in my uterus without my consent here. And now that I feel oh so dirty, let's move on to more educational posts, shall we?
One of my Facebook friends writes for Mother Jones and The Washington Monthly. You can read his historical view of what the Founding Fathers would think about the Occupy movement here. And what is that you say? There is an inaccuracy? What?! Look in the comments and you will see what an actual journalist does when he realizes their is an inaccuracy. That's what you never see in corporate media.
My friend Chez had this quote from Jon Stewart about Pat Robertson calling out the field of GOP Presidential candidate. Seriously. Pat Robertson calling others too crazy....it really is a moment of surreal reality.
James Fallows thinks Herman Cain's new ad is the Best Ad Yet. Again, surreal reality.
How have we gotten to 2011? It really is amazing, scary, funny and lots of other adjectives I won't write. If you are the 1%, you aren't reading this so that makes you the 99%. Call your congresspeople, call your governors, call your friends and family....if you can, go to an Occupy event. You can find one where you are here.
So that's what I've been up to this week. The title of this post is an oldie but a goldie and seemingly more relevant than when it was released. How quaint the late 60's and early 70's seem today. So enjoy the video.....
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Hello Again....
I am still here, quiet but here. It really doesn't feel like it's been almost 2 months since I posted anything, but I've been told the internet doesn't lie. (kinda like all GOP presidential candidates)
Let's see what's been going on in VeraLand. I hate my job, I hate my finances. Nothing changed there. Football is back!! My team has actually won a game, which is big news. We have a QB that has more talent than Jake Delhomme had in his pinky. the dick. Peyton Manning is out for the season, hopefully only this season, I've been scared to hear about his neck injury. I love him so.
The GOP candidates and their debate audiences are proving that their base are all redneck hicks who can't stop living in the 30's. And they want the rest of us to join them. I say Fuck No. And my state, where I've lived for 30 years, is putting same sex marriage on the primary ballot. It's already illegal in NC to marry a same sex partner, they want to enshrine it in the NC constitution to prove we are just as backward and mean and stupid as the rest of the south. sigh.
I've become addicted to those missing object games on Facebook. I hate the new Facebook changes. I don't like that they want to tell me what they think I will think are Top Stories. Fuck em. But what am I going to do? Stop Facebook? Too addicted and that's where all my friends are.
There are finally protests against Wall Street going on. Please look up Occupy Wall Street on the web and Facebook. This is important, especially with the cops doing what they do best to protect the bankers against us lowly people.
My health issues have been resolved, I hope. My thyroid is fine but my serotonin (?) levels were out of whack so I got some new meds for that. Yay for getting old and needing chemicals, legal ones even....jeepers.
The best thing? Pink Floyd is everywhere this week with their new releases of the catalog. Loving that. Jimmy Fallon had a Pink Floyd week with Nick Mason, Roger Waters and some great bands covering Floyd tunes. I highly encourage you to look it up. I'm too lazy and football is getting ready to come on.
Anyway, that's where I've been. What's going on where you are?
Let's see what's been going on in VeraLand. I hate my job, I hate my finances. Nothing changed there. Football is back!! My team has actually won a game, which is big news. We have a QB that has more talent than Jake Delhomme had in his pinky. the dick. Peyton Manning is out for the season, hopefully only this season, I've been scared to hear about his neck injury. I love him so.
The GOP candidates and their debate audiences are proving that their base are all redneck hicks who can't stop living in the 30's. And they want the rest of us to join them. I say Fuck No. And my state, where I've lived for 30 years, is putting same sex marriage on the primary ballot. It's already illegal in NC to marry a same sex partner, they want to enshrine it in the NC constitution to prove we are just as backward and mean and stupid as the rest of the south. sigh.
I've become addicted to those missing object games on Facebook. I hate the new Facebook changes. I don't like that they want to tell me what they think I will think are Top Stories. Fuck em. But what am I going to do? Stop Facebook? Too addicted and that's where all my friends are.
There are finally protests against Wall Street going on. Please look up Occupy Wall Street on the web and Facebook. This is important, especially with the cops doing what they do best to protect the bankers against us lowly people.
My health issues have been resolved, I hope. My thyroid is fine but my serotonin (?) levels were out of whack so I got some new meds for that. Yay for getting old and needing chemicals, legal ones even....jeepers.
The best thing? Pink Floyd is everywhere this week with their new releases of the catalog. Loving that. Jimmy Fallon had a Pink Floyd week with Nick Mason, Roger Waters and some great bands covering Floyd tunes. I highly encourage you to look it up. I'm too lazy and football is getting ready to come on.
Anyway, that's where I've been. What's going on where you are?
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