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Saturday, February 12, 2011

the people you meet online.....

In real life, I don't have a lot of friends. I have always kept a small circle of people whom I trust and tell my secrets to, it's the cancer in me I guess. It always amazes me when I look at my facebook friends list and see the friends I have made online. Sure, I have caught up with the obligatory high school and Page School friends, but there are those people whom I met during the 2008 election that mean the most to me.
During that election season I perused many sites to find out the latest news and info and in doing so found some of the many people, whom I have not met in real life, who have become my bestest friends. I have always been shy until I know someone, very quiet and reserved but still full of smart ass retorts. (I get that from my daddy and have a hard time holding that in). One of the places I frequented was Bob Cesca's Goddamn Awesome Blog. It's not called that anymore, Bob removed the "Goddamn" and I always still feel a pang of hurt when I go to his site and realize it's gone. Anyway, that's where I found people who were like me. They believed in the things I believe in. And the best part? They do snark very well. I wish I could do snark the way they do. It all seems so easy for them. Me? I never think of something snarky until 3 hours later.....such is my life. Anyhoo, they are all very smart and know policy and history and can snark....who wouldn't love friends like that?
There was a group of us at Cesca's who found a common thread and became friends. Hell, I only got on facebook because they had made up a Cesca group and I wanted in. For me, they were the 'cool' kids and damn if I wasn't going to be one too. I don't know what I bring to the table with them, except my smart ass ability (which sometimes doesn't travel well through the vacuum tubes), but they accepted me and have become some of the best people I have ever 'known' in my life.
There are a couple of others that I didn't meet through Cesca and one of those people inspired me to finally write up a blog. "That One" is Redshirt. I haven't been posting so much because my mother has been in the hospital for a while and I have been freaking out and feeling weird feelings and then Egypt distracted me for a while, but I just noticed that Redshirt had written is 1000th post. Congrats dude! While I was over there I noticed he has added my little blog of ramblings and disjointed thoughts on his blogroll. I can't tell you how wonderful and scared that makes me. I love Redshirt, if you couldn't tell, and I admire his blogging ability and all the snark and Star Wars and Star Trek you could ever want. And I don't know anyone else, other than me if I would've thought about it, who would post a pic from one of my favorite all time movies ever - Dogma. Buddy Jesus, Hell yeah!

So to all my friends I have met online, thank you. You have been there through the worst 2 years of my life and have comforted me and made me laugh. I hope I can give you just a fraction of the joy you bring me everyday. To those few from my real life who know me as Vera Lynn, thank you for keeping my secret and continuing to be my friend. And to Redshirt, thank you. Thank you for inspiring me to come out of my shell and spew forth my weird thoughts.

And seriously, I love George Carlin and Dogma and all, but a tat of it? Hell no.


  1. Hi vera lynn,

    I'm honored by your kind and gracious words. I do aim to inspire others, so I was thrilled to hear that you started blogging in part because of my efforts. You're learning fast! It took me 400 posts!

    Love that Carlin tat! Never in a million billion years get one myself, of course.

    Keep on writing - life is a short tragedy filled with loss. By definition. It's up to each of us to make what we want of it - to be happy or sad, to feel all the losses or remember all that we have - which is, everything.

    Easy to say, hard to do. Let's help each other stay on the path.

  2. thank you for the kind words sir. :)
